The board of the Apure State Cattlemen’s Association (Agapure) and the Confederation of Farmers and Cattlemen of Venezuela (Confagan) delivered a document to the Apure Criminal Judicial Circuit where they demand that said judicial instance enforce the Livestock Activity Protection Law, during the meetings of the Commission of the Judicial Revolution in this plains state that took place last month.
The Apure ranchers reject the presence of Deputy Luisa Rodríguez, who they assure forces the courts to act in contravention of what is established in the legal norm, subverts legal periods of public order, that is, set hearings in periods not established in the Law and granting precautionary measures different from those provided for in article 342 of the Organic Code of Criminal Procedure, without the legal conditions required for said granting of substitute precautionary measures for deprivation of liberty being met.
“Making believe in this way that the crimes that affect agricultural producers in the field and that threaten the nation’s agri-food security and that harm the patrimony of each producer who is victims of these crimes to not receive the priority, importance and so can be ignored as if livestock producers are not a determinant economic sector,” they point out in the brief delivered to the courts.
The agricultural producers allege that the Criminal Circuit of Apure, its rectors, prosecutors and justice administrators, yield to the pressure and impositions of Deputy Luisa Rodriguez to take decisions which violate constitutional and legal guarantees, such as due process, effective judicial protection, right to defense. This being even more serious because this interference that they manifest violates the autonomy of the judiciary and causes a burden on the rights of victims.