Credits with daily payment: The “resolves” of carriers to keep their vehicles running

Credits with daily payment: The “resolves” of carriers to keep their vehicles running

Photo: La Patilla


Public Transport Drivers, In Anzoátegui, Turn To Private Loan Sharks To Avoid Inflation And To Be Able To Maintain Their Units Operational.

By La Patilla

Jan 30, 2023

Loans with a 10% daily “contribution” to the debt have become a solution for some carriers when a contingency arises with their units that prevents them from working.

Driver Alberto Jaramillo revealed how he has solved some emergencies with his vehicle: “Really, I tell you, it’s hard. What I have done is that I have had to borrow and pay little by little, because saying that I am going to save to repair it is impossible, and well, the food, everything is very expensive”.

Manuel Martínez also assured that he has had to “borrow from his colleagues and pay them back. Praying to God that nothing else breaks down. We always have strong situations, because we need to take food to our homes daily.”

They indicated that the daily nutrition of their families is a priority. “The ticket right now is 5 bolivars, the dollar is what is … us. It has devalued us all. You are going to buy a spare part and they do not charge you in bolivars, you have to pay in dollars. One works is to only eat barely,” said Pedro González.

Drivers report an increase of up to 100% in high turnover consumables, such as lubricants, brake league, belts, gaskets, among others.

Although they are valued in foreign currency, their cost constantly increases, “since there is inflation even in dollars,” González assured.

The carriers point out that it is important and necessary for the authorities to re-establish bank loans for the transportation system, especially since many units are obsolete, and some have even been running for 40 years.

Read More: La Patilla – Credits with daily payment: The “resolves” of carriers to keep their vehicles running

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