AN approved in its first discussion the partial reform to the Law for the Fund for the Liberation of Venezuela and Attention to Vital Risk Cases

AN approved in its first discussion the partial reform to the Law for the Fund for the Liberation of Venezuela and Attention to Vital Risk Cases

Photo: Centro de Comunicación Nacional


The National Assembly approved in its first discussion the Bill of Partial Reform of the Law of the Fund for the Liberation of Venezuela and Attention to Vital Risk Cases.

By Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Dec 27, 2021

The purpose of the Law is to authorize the provision of essential expenses to comply with the objectives and purposes of the Statute that governs the Transition to Democracy to restore the validity of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

This Monday in an extraordinary online session of the National Assembly, the report of the aforementioned partial reform of the Draft Law was submitted for consideration. It suggests only one modification to Article 12, which is drawn up as follows:

“This Law will be in force until December 31st, 2022, or until it is repealed by the Budget Law for Fiscal Year 2022 issued by the National Assembly, once the usurpation of the Presidency of the Republic ceases.”

The document was presented by the Permanent Commission of Finance and Economic Development of the National Parliament, chaired by the Deputy Carlos Paparoni.

The parliamentarian stressed that with this modification no new resources are being authorized, but the Fund Law remains in force up to the same date that the Statute Law that Governs the Transition to Democracy is extended.

“We seek to maintain the highest standards of transparency and to be able to faithfully comply with what has been approved by this National Assembly,” said the deputy.

Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – AN approved in its first discussion the partial reform to the Law for the Fund for the Liberation of Venezuela and Attention to Vital Risk Cases

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