Autoridades elevan a 571 los casos de coronavirus en China

Autoridades elevan a 571 los casos de coronavirus en China

Travellers wearing face masks as a precautionary measure to protect against the possible spread of a SARS-like virus outbreak stand by a baggage belt in the arrivals area at Hong Kong International Airport ahead of the Chinese New Year in Hong Kong on January 23, 2020. – Hong Kong has turned two holiday camps, including a former military barracks, into quarantine zones for people who may have come into contact with carriers of the Wuhan virus, officials announced on January 23. The international financial hub has been on high alert for the virus, which has killed 17 people since the outbreak started in central China. (Photo by VIVEK PRAKASH / AFP)


Las autoridades sanitarias de China han elevado a 571 el número de infectados por el nuevo coronavirus causante de la neumonía de Wuhan, que ha dejado ya al menos 17 muertos, informó hoy la agencia estatal de noticias Xinhua.

Con información de EFE

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